Tag Archives: southwest

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

Well hello there! Have you met my friend? This is quinoa.

No doubt you have, indeed, met quinoa before. But how much do you know about it? Chances are you know that it’s a gluten free grain and that it’s packed full of protein and fiber.

That’s almost all true, but here are a few things you may not know about quinoa. It’s a seed, not a grain. That was new information to me! I did a little research and also found out that it’s a complete protein (meaning it provides all nine essential amino acids that humans need). We all know that beans are loaded with protein, but those are incomplete proteins. Who knew? Go quinoa! It’s a great source of iron, too, which is awesome for vegetarians. It’s good for your heart and can help improve cholesterol levels (just like Cheerios!).

So there you go. Are you sold on these stuffed peppers yet?

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